Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 1 - And it all begins or continues

Since the beginning of the year, our studio has been bombarded with lots of new students and new teachers too. I've been told that this is typical. I bet Oprah's article has also something to do with it. This has positives and few negatives. One of the positives is that the room is more crowded and consequently the temperatures feel higher than usual. As you already know, I like my room very hot. Also, I like the enthusiasm of the new students. It's contagious. The new teachers are getting better and better each day. On the negative side, posture corrections are not provided as often as they used to be. I miss this until tonight. I had a great class with Wendy. Solid standing series but I could have done better on the floor. At the moment, I find the spine series postures more challenging than ever before.


  1. Sounds like you're keeping a good attitude about the new masses. Why, though, did you say re: posture corrections, "I miss this until tonight"? That was interesting. But it sounds, too, like you are challenging yourself with what you can do with the postures.

    I'm stoked to have a fellow 30-day challenger. (To answer yesterday's question -yep, a Bikram yoga one; mostly a home practice.) Hope you're having a beautiful day!

  2. Catherine - we used to be a relatively small group of yogis practicing every day at my studio. The teachers used to called us by name and provided us with lots of posture corrections, all the time. I love this. The new teachers are still getting comfortable with the dialogue and are not providing students with corrections yet. I know they will do it eventually. They are getting really good now. The old teachers are focusing on the brand new students. Corrections are important. Last night I was happy. I received some good feedback and hints from my teacher during standing head to knee pose. This definitely helped me with my practice this morning.

    You mentioned you practice mostly at home. How long have you been practicing bikram? Have you received instruction at a studio? Are you blogging your experience?

  3. I found your blog :) Glad we started the challenge at the same time. Have a wonderful day !!!

  4. Another challenge for you...yippee!! Can't wait to read and see how it goes!

  5. Good job ladies for doing the challenge and having a partner in crime!
    Cirita, I just found your blog! Looks like you had an amazing time in LA for the championships:)

    I also love corrections in class. I sometimes get frustrated if I see a fellow student who has the wrong set up but the teacher doesn't correct them. I know I should be focusing on my practice but they are little things I do notice. But with patience and time it will all come.

  6. We've had a lot of new students in our studio the past few months too. A lot of them are sticking around too, which is great.

  7. Here it goes again! Yay for you! :) I'm glad you love the newbie energy. I always feel the same way!

  8. I absolutely hear you about welcoming corrections... That is definitely what I miss most about being in a studio! Luckily, I'm set to take at least one class (and possibly 3!) in studios this weekend. :) I've been practicing since May 2005 (after doing 10 days of a 10-day intro in August 2004). Been hooked ever since. :)

  9. Michelle - I am doing this challenge partially to get ready for LV BYTT visit ;) Plus I need to lose a couple of inches here and there, improve on some postures, etc...etc...etc... Definitely more goals than the first time around.

    Lady J - I had the best time in LA. Meeting Bikram was one of the highlight of the trip. Another one was meeting fellow blogger dancingJ :) She is fantastic, a truly Bikram nerd, full of energy :) I can't believe I have lived in SoCal for 6 years and never visited the championship before.This is all going to change from now on.

    In regards corrections, I also get frustrated by the same thing. I have been in classes where the teacher would no say a word to someone doing something completely wrong. I am not talking about a new student grabbing his feet 4 inches below the toes instead of 3 inches during standing head to knee toes. I am sure I / we do stuff like that all the time. I am talking about someone doing locust, for example, with the palms facing up ( towards the body) instead of serving a volleyball or wrong arm twist during eagle pose. I need to work on this. I should be focusing on my own practice too.

    Greg - The new students at my studio are sticking around too. This is good news. I was a little concern at first. Now, I am making new friends. Love the enthusiasm of the new students.

    Catherine - it's good you have access to a studio too!! I never practiced at home but I should try during vacations, as I usual end up in places with no studios. I haven't listened to Bikram's CD yet but someone told me is hilarious.

  10. J - you must be excited. Only few weeks left and BYTT!!! Yahooooo
